Wednesday, January 25, 2006


The foundation for defense of democracies has published on its web site some graphic video clips about tortures, executions, and amputations of Iraqis.
The clips are so graphic, therefore I don't suggest that they be seen by children.

I my self, and my close friends knew very well about tortures, amputations and executions. I know many of Saddam's victims.

Ramsey Clark, who volunteered to defend Saddam, once said "Saddam was demonized" by saying this statement he has made his private ignorance public, and disclosed it to every one in the world. By saying this Mr. Clark is more like "the deceived husband, who is the last one to know."

I was always arguing that this is an ethical war, against an enemy of humanity. Against the cruelest tyranny in the contemporary history.
A tyrant who murdered more than 3 millions.

The question now is to those who stood agaist the war, do you still think that this is the wrong war, in the wrong place, in the wrong time"